If you cancel/reschedule your appointment within 24hrs, there will be a $30 cancellation fee to be paid before rebooking.
Please try to give at least 48 hrs notice when rescheduling/cancelling.
If you are 15 minutes late to your nail appointment this will result in your appointment having to be rescheduled, as well as a $30 cancellation fee to be paid before rebooking.
Having nails is a team effort! I can do a great job of your nails but you need to look after them in-between appointments so they last. Please remember these few things:
Remember to use cuticle oil/hand cream at least once a day, this keeps your natural nails strong and healthy – therefore the product is less likely to chip/lift off of the nail plate.
Nails are jewels not tools!
Please reach for the scissors to open that parcel, not your nails! Be gentle when opening cans and anything else that will cause pressure on the tips of your nails.
And last but not least, wear gloves!
If you’re out in the garden or washing the dishes, wearing gloves will make so much of a difference to your manicure. Keep them protected to help your mani out in the long run